Pikes Peak Makerspace

501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization

Donations are at the heart of nearly everything we do! Whether it be donating good old fashioned cash to cover purchases and supplies or donating old tools, modern computer equipment, supplies, etc.

Below is our list of needed or desired items. Remember all donations to the Makerspace are tax deductible! Simply shoot us a message and we will email you an itemized deduction receipt. At the bottom of this page is a form for cash / credit card donations. 

Items Needed or Desired by Pikes Peak Makerspace

Retractable 2" Vacuum Hose 

Sliding Tablesaw 

Plasma Cutter 

Tube Bender

SLA 3D Printer

Panel Saw

Hydraulic Press 

Metal Shear 

English Wheel 

Tube Notcher

AC/DC Tig Welder

Stick Welder

Welding Clamps

Metal Kiln

Digital Angle Gauge

Drum Sander

12" Digital Clamps

Good Woodworking Clamps

Wood Moisture Meter

3-Way Face Clamp

Handheld Spindle Sander

Metal Lathe 

Plunge Router 

Hydrodip Tank

24" Digital Calipers


Outfeed Rollers 

Dead Blow Hammer

Click "Donate" To Provide a Cash Donation!

Use this button to donate to PPM through our secure donation provider, Paypal!

Maybe you'd like to donate an

item we aren't requesting,

but think we might like? 

Give us a call or come on by! 

Phone number: 719-445-MAKE (6253) (Please leave a voicemail!) 

Fill out our contact form!  

Stop in either 3PM on Sundays or 6PM on Wednesdays for a guided tour of our facility! 

Pikes Peak Makerspace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

735 E. Pikes Peak Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903  | Contact Us

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